Disco breaks down thl's first ever wild seriesTHL’s brand new Wild Series is well underway, but there are still a lot of things you might not know about all the teams and players participating. This article will go through all the background you need to keep up with this season. This is not the first time going through all the teams in Wild Series - you can watch the team reveal stream on THL’s youtube page here (link: https://youtu.be/rbD3KQtLmR8?t=2314). However, the author made the mistake of not recognizing certain players during the stream, which definitely makes some of the teams look even better than before. The information included here is based on a survey sent to all the Wild Series captains, along with the author’s experience and knowledge of the wild format. For those who are learning about THL’s Wild Series for the first time, the series is a 3v3 team competition using a best-of-5 Conquest format with open decklists in the wild format. This means that any cards usable in the wild format (i.e. all of them) can be used in this series. There are 16 teams of 3 players, which means that the teams are broken up into two conferences - Green Conference and Brown Conference. This article will go through the teams in the order shown in the conference breakdown image. Power rankings will not be included - that will be left to the experts over at THL:POW which can be found on the home page of this very site. Power Creeps are not messing around. All three players are in wild legend ranks (Jack and Memnarch have finished 1st on the wild ladder and are consistently in top legend ranks), and all three players have tournament experience. Memnarch won the North America Call of the Wild tournament for Descent of Dragons and got second place in the prior CotW tournament. Jack got second place in the most recent Prehistoric Bucket wild tournament, losing only to Pasca. Jack, Memnarch, and Pasca also have their hands in a lot of Hearthstone-related content - Tempo Storm and Rankstar wild meta reports, neon31’s Wild Deck Guides, and NoProsHere’s Master’s Tour Qualifier meta reports. Historically, almost every THL series has had a villain - Power Creeps look like the team to take that role in the Wild Series. Nuke the Waygate has a lot of potential. Meduzas and SilverTFoxDemon are no strangers to THL, having played on the Hero Series runner-up team The Burninators and in the THL Duos tournament together. Adam is the key piece here - having prior experience subbing in Legacy, expect this consistent standard and wild legend player to lead the charge and get wins. Also, Adam is one of the first people to get the 1000 win Demon Hunter portrait (if not the first). Prior synergy and tournament experience should make this team a competitive one. Teams captained by Diamond tend to make waves, and The Biters are no exception. Nineeyebrows and basedinc are skilled THL veterans and recently played in the THL Wild Tournament, with basedinc making top 8 and Nineeyebrows winning the entire tournament. The new player, nmbrthry, is a standard legend player who is also climbing the ranks on the wild ladder. With the tournament experience that Nineeyebrows and basedinc have, along with Diamond’s captaining experience, The Biters have the pedigree to do well. Patches’ Payback, aside from having a very scary logo, is rooted in THL history. For those who are not versed in THL history, THL’s Hero Series (then called Sylvanas Hero League), was made up of 3-player teams, much like how Wild Series is set up. JerryDamage, who was the original creator of Hero Series and commissioner of the first few seasons, was excited about the return of 3-player teams and recruited Lefty and Dirty Mike to join their cause. All of these players have competitive experience, having played in Hero and Legacy for many seasons. As JerryDamage puts it, “Patches will have his payback each and every week.” Frankly, I cannot disagree with that. Micro-Squad is an unknown quantity. All three players are new to THL, but they heard about the upcoming Wild Series and wanted in. AgentPWE is captaining the team, having prior experience playing on Team NoProsHere and BYE in Hero and Legacy, respectively. Tifflet has been playing since Un'Goro, Nefola has played CCG’s since they were eight (no idea how long ago that was), and Illusive_Script will craft any golden card whose animation is a blinking eye. The community does not know almost anything about this team, which is the perfect opportunity for them to show everyone what Micro-Squad is capable of. Sleeping on Worst Case Scenario is a bad idea. Mentalistic is new to THL, but is in no way new to wild, being a top legend player and writer for the Tempo Storm Wild Meta Snapshot. The other new player, robotchicken, is also a consistent wild legend player specializing in Hunter decks. SnakeFawdz is not new to THL, but they will be in a format they are more comfortable with, having placed top 8 in the Call of the Wild tournament for Descent of Dragons and winning the NA bracket for the prior CotW tournament. This team has talent, and all they need is to put that talent to good use. F2L, the two-time Pro Series champion team, has expanded their brand this season to all four THL series. The wild expansion team, F2L: Viridian, is a strong addition. Itachi doesn’t need any introduction, being a top player in every series and making top 4 in the THL Wild tournament. The captain, nhlnjfan1, made top 8 in the THL Wild Tournament as well. However, there is no information on who SRL is. How well this player turns out to be will be a deciding factor in how well F2L: Viridian does. You Sunk My Hattleship is a strong contender due to the pedigree of the players. RidiculousHat needs no introduction (even if they do, the resume is too long to include), A2Battleship is a Tespa player who also plays in Pro Series, and BillSnyder beats up 4 seeds in Legacy Series and recently made the Legacy Series championship finals with DadLegend. The player to watch is RidiculousHat - if they can do as well as they do in other series, this team will also do well. Detroit vs Everybody has a nice backstory - all the players live in the same area (Detroit), which is how they know each other. However, the talent on this team is quite significant. Mattatarms is a multi-legend player and creator of THL mainstays Team Annoy-o-Team, mtgsquirrel is a top 200 legend player who recently made top 30 legend with Big Priest, and Duwin is the face of the Hunter class in wild, with multiple legend finishes on multiple servers with many different Hunter decks. This is a team that will win and do it in style. Wild THL Fanatics is a stronger team than first appearances may show. DoctorBOMD subbed for a couple teams in Pro last season, and is now playing in all four THL series this season. MikeLowe is a tournament organizer, streamer, legend player, and an all-around good guy. ElectricSheepCity is a standard and wild legend player and streamer. Do not be fooled by the fact that these players are new to THL - they’re ready to prove all their doubters wrong. At Least We Have Chicken is a THL Wild Tournament special, with three players who made top 8 or higher. ItsMeMikeV is captaining this team, and their extensive experience in Hero, Legacy, and Pro will serve them well. Likewise, RonMexico is a THL staple, having made a name for themselves in every THL series they have played in. ShadowRanger, aside from also playing in Hero this season, is a flexible player who can adapt to opponents each week. If this team can get some momentum going, few teams are going to be able to stop them. Born to Be Wild is a star-studded lineup of well-known names in the wild community. CraigOfCanada and NateWolfTCG are hosts of the Born to Be Wild podcast, and DannyDonuts is a co-host of the Well Met! and Into the Wild podcasts. Most recently, DannyDonuts made top 500 legend with Reno OTK Demon Hunter. They are captained by TwoStarMako, a THL veteran with experience in captaining. Do not be surprised when you see this team doing well each week. At first, Gonna Be Rich looks like a group of friends who have joined up to take on the THL for the first time. However, this team is a strong team with tournament experience and wild ladder success. BlasèBlasè (pronounced blah-zay blah-zay) is a Canadian Hearthstone player who qualified for the 2018 HCT Fall Playoffs and the 2019 Wild Open. BlasèBlasè met TheWord, a player with multiple top 200 wild legend finishes, during a Whispers of the Old Gods tournament. Berilio is a Brazilian hearthstone player who also has multiple top 200 wild legend finishes. This is a team who’ll make a deep playoff run for sure. Seas of Cheese, aside from being an interesting name, is a team with both new and returning faces. Siege comes from the Legacy team Da Stubbs, Cone comes from the new Hero team Booz Cruise, and Sage has played on numerous teams in an attempt to beat RonMexico repeatedly. This team’s fate is entirely in their hands - if they win consistently, they have a chance to make playoffs. The origins of Waygate to Hell underscore a talented team. After one of the teams originally set to play in the Wild Series dropped, a spot was open for a new team. Dusharmo, THL veteran and winner of the Crossover Player award last season, offered to make a team last minute. With the help of Pasca, captain and player for Power Creeps, Dusharmo found two great wild players last minute - Reverb, wild ladder player who has reached top 20 Legend rank on the wild ladder, and Gankplang, a standard and high wild legend player who also qualified for the 2019 Wild Open. This is a solid team that will roll over other teams that do not respect them. Xplosive Sheep was created through Amber Flight Gaming - an organization you might have heard of before, with players such as THL mainstays Itachi and Dragonrider. This organization already has a team in THL’s Legacy Series (aptly-titled Amber Flight Gaming), but Xplosive Sheep has Amber Flight Gaming players as well. BitBeaker is taking on the role of captain, having made their debut in season one of Sylvanas Hero League (the prior name of Hero Series) and winning the championship. THL rookie Nejiboston is a semi-competitive Hearthstone player who has been playing for almost 6 years, though this is their first dive into the wild format. Volkai, on the other hand, has played in THL before, having played for teams such as The Ugly Mucklings and Tap Last (and, of course, they are not secretly Rod Johnston). Their wild accomplishments are not as big as other teams, but the experience and synergy this group already has means that they should not be counted out.
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January 2025