Season 14
January 2020 - April 2020
Crossover Player
Winner: Dusharmo
-Legacy 6-2 (20-11)
-Hero 7-2 (21-12)
-Pro 8-3 (28-17)
Aggregate 21-7 (71-46) 75% Match Win, 82.8% Weighted Match win, 60.7% Game win, 81 Aggregate PAR
Runner Up: RonMexico
-Legacy 7-1 (29-11)
-Hero 6-3 (28-18)
-Pro 5-6 (22-23)
Aggregate 18-10 (79-52) 64.3% Match Win, 72.1% Weighted Match win, 60.3% Game win, 75 Aggregate PAR
Social Butterfly
Winner: Sage
Runner Up: TwoStarMako
Best Content Producer
Winner: Mayanadon
Best Show
Winner: THLPOW Podcast
Runner Up: HearthCenter
Best Blogger
Winner: basedinc
Runner Up: Markshire
Honorable Mentions: A2Battleship and Disco for fantastic standalone articles
January 2020 - April 2020
Crossover Player
Winner: Dusharmo
-Legacy 6-2 (20-11)
-Hero 7-2 (21-12)
-Pro 8-3 (28-17)
Aggregate 21-7 (71-46) 75% Match Win, 82.8% Weighted Match win, 60.7% Game win, 81 Aggregate PAR
Runner Up: RonMexico
-Legacy 7-1 (29-11)
-Hero 6-3 (28-18)
-Pro 5-6 (22-23)
Aggregate 18-10 (79-52) 64.3% Match Win, 72.1% Weighted Match win, 60.3% Game win, 75 Aggregate PAR
Social Butterfly
Winner: Sage
Runner Up: TwoStarMako
Best Content Producer
Winner: Mayanadon
Best Show
Winner: THLPOW Podcast
Runner Up: HearthCenter
Best Blogger
Winner: basedinc
Runner Up: Markshire
Honorable Mentions: A2Battleship and Disco for fantastic standalone articles