WARNING: Incoming wall of text with no pictures (sorry Aroy!) What’s up guys, this is PumbaasBFF here with a different kind of take on THL Player Power Rankings. While my team is busy trying to figure out if we want Leumer back as captain for Season 6, or if we want to go with a new face, I figured I’d use some of my time writing up some new content for our blog. In the past we’ve had a Player Power Rankings blog provided by JerryDamage, and I hope that continues as well. My biggest problem with it, however, was that it was very based on statistical evidence, and left very little room to argue with. Stats are a cool thing to look at and read about, but I think a topic like Player rankings should be more up to a discussion, and thus I decided to come up with my own take on player rankings and present them to you so you can tell me how retarded I am. This post will be very full of my opinions, but I will still be using data from this season to base my opinions from so you will more than likely still see some of the same players you would on a player rankings blog like Jerry’s. Let’s kick it off:
10. I’m going to be writing these up from 10-1 to kind of build a little hype/suspense as we go. To start things off at my number 10 spot I’ve got MVParker. Parker is, and has been performing like, a stud. The only reason I don’t have him at the opposite end of these rankings is that, in my opinion, the rankings should have value considered in them as well. When you’re talking about the value of a players, you can’t only go off their win rate, I think you also must judge them based on the amount of the PR their eating up. The average 3 seed this season came in at 394 PR, Parker came in at 500. Parker eats up an enormous amount of PR for a 3 seed, but so far he has not lost a series, and has only lost 2 games total, so for now I’m keeping him on my list. 9. At number 9 we have a very similar case as number 10 in DLineman. The differentiation between him and MVParker being that DLineman came in at only 89 PR over the average in his seed, so the wins he’s providing come at a cheaper cost than MVParker’s have. An added reason, in case you needed one, that both of these players (so far) are so low is that they’ve both had the opportunity to face the Bad Hombres early on and both been given wins over players that have tried to meme them. DLineman also faced JoshSampson who has been having an extremely rough start to season 5 so I think it’s important to be wary of the enormous success he’s had so far. To be honest, DLineman may never really climb these rankings all that much due to his schedule. If he were to beat DrewbixQube next week I think I’d move him a bit, but after this week I really don’t see a competitive matchup in his future that would convince me to have him at the top of my rankings. 8. Time to start talking about some players we don’t talk about enough. Starting with my number 8: PinkSamus. PinkSamus came into Season 5 as NWA’s 3 seed after a very successful Season 4 in their 4 seed. He also came in under the average for PR by 11. He started this season by taking a massive dump on the hopeful captain of Avatar (BibleThump) and immediately proceeded to PM him a picture of his beer he had been drinking throughout the match for some good measure of BM; to make it worse the beer was labeled “Hakuna Matata”. He continued on his No Worries campaign as he took out another captain in c0mp, and by doing so found himself in the 2 seed for week 3. He lost last week, but I’m going to withhold judgement on him until at least next week. He came in as the 3 seed so I think it’s a little too harsh to judge him for losing in the 2 seed. I’ll be keeping a close eye on Samus and the 2/3 seed situation him and Salt have gotten themselves into. 7. At number 7 I’ve got Memyselfandi. I don’t have a whole lot to say about this man of many names, other than the fact that he’s one of the many fresh players to THL, but he’s one of the few finding a good amount of success. The opponents he’s knocked off so far are Zab, DirestBear, and Twizz. These are all established players in this league, so I don’t think im jumping the gun by getting hyped for this guy. His win over Twizz was also a sweep! Let’s just say I’m completely petrified heading into my matchup vs this guy week 4. 6. At number 6 we have what is probably my most controversial pick in Ziggysera. My decision to have Ziggy here is really based on the fact that she has a history of flip flopping around with Rockbass between the 4 and 5 seeds, and continued to be competitive in both. Admittedly both have never had a lot of success in the 4 seed, hence the flip flopping they do, and so this pick was the one I was most hesitant about. That being said, Ziggy came in to the season and started off strong with back to back sweeps. When I started thinking about doing these rankings I started to look at some of the players and how they’ve been performing so far, and Ziggysera jumped right out at me. I realize I may be a little high on her, but for now this is where I’ve got her. 5. At number 5 we have a very familiar face: Aroy. This is the first season I think he is going to have an actual test ahead of him, in the past he has come in at the 4 seed and has always been successful, especially last season when his success ended up landing him in the 1 seed for his final match of the season. This season he started off in the 2 seed and it hasn’t slowed him down a bit. He’s taken down 2 well established players that were/are so involved they were both captains, and continued his success last week against Samoo. I wouldn’t say he’s faced any all star caliber players just yet, but he is proving to me that he is where he belongs, and I think his success will continue. 4. At number 4 we have our second captain, as well as our second member of Entropy on our list: SmokedSalmon. Like DLineman, Salmon has had the benefit of going up against the Bad Hombres already and that kind of skews the success you look at when you look at him. But prior to this week, he had swept both opponents and performed so well he swapped with his 1 seed. So his match vs the Hombres was a seed higher than he should be, which is why I’m choosing to judge that win less than I did for DLineman. He did, however, still play against memes and even played against a class he banned without even noticing which is why he finds the number 4 spot instead of one the top 3. 3. You made it to the top 3 players, congrats! From here on up, I’m going to talk about the players that, in my opinion, should be talked about in an MVP race. Starting at number 3 we’ve got LochnessH. I don’t personally know much about Lochness, I don’t know who he is on Facebook and I never see him in Discord. He just sits in the shadows waiting to strike I suppose. Lochness came in this season with less PR than the average 3 seed, but not by much. He lost to Alec week 1, but not by much. He then went and dunked on Ridiculous and Spyvr. It’s still early on in the season, but as it stands right now he is my number 3. 2. My runner up at number 2 is ArcaneTHL. Arcane has been having a lot of success, and even though a lot of players have, I think his stands out above the rest by a little bit. At 9-4 he’s beaten SwankyTiger, THLeumer, and Force of Will. The win over Leumer was probably the most impressive thus far, but last week he pulled a win over Force of Will during a time where nearly his entire team called it quits, and due to this he has found himself as a captain in THL. I think he deserves this spot, but this coming week will definitely be a match to watch as he starts juggling being a captain, getting new players acquainted with the league, all while prepping himself for his match with JesusC. 1. If the season ended today my MVP is Sunshine. This was the easiest pick for me honestly. It’s going to take a lot to get this guy moved out of this spot. Here’s why: He/she has yet to drop a match, he/she came in this season at 138 PR which was 26 PR below the average for 5 seeds, but most importantly, he/she has yet to bring Shaman, the unanimously voted most over powered class. So far the path has not been the most difficult for Sunshine, with wins over 3 players who have all had dreadful starts to the season. But I think when you’re just sweeping people left and right without even bringing shaman to bait a ban, you’re going to have a smooth season. Have fun dealing with this other 5 seeds. Well that concludes it for this week. Hope you all agree with nothing here and make me feel like an idiot. K bye :^)
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January 2025